As you all may know, I am now a segment producer for a new show called “The Flip Side starring Michael Loftus.” Loftus is an INCREDIBLY talented comedian/actor and a writer for a little show you might have heard of called “Anger Management” starring some guy named Charlie Sheen. I think he has done a few movies or something.
I am having a blast with this show and the crew of writers producers and artists that are involved. It’s a great group of guys and the project is actually taking off! We recently got picked up by Time Warner, Dish Network, and A T and T U-Verse! The show will be seen by MILLIONS worldwide!
We will soon be posting episodes at and our twitter feed is @flipsideloftus
I actually get a lot of fan mail, but today someone emailed the producers of the flip side with this little gem:
“I’m appalled to have learned that a politically conservative show like yours, would employ a contemptible employee, Jake Iannarino. He personally and frequently talks about smoking drugs on his twitter account. He even tweets that he does not believe in politics. His comedy is the lowest form of humor. If you are trying to succeed as conservative entertainment, you should know WHO is writing it!” -Dave Walters
HA! That made my day! Who the Hell would even care what I have to say on my twitter feed? And why? I don’t know, but I think it’s pretty awesome! I would like to thank Dave Walters. The staff and I got a good laugh out of this one. I feel like I have to respond.
Dear Dave,
My fans are important to me, so I want you to know that if you ever have any sort of issue with anything I say on my twitter page, please write down on a sheet of paper exactly what it was that upset you, and then shove that piece of paper up your ass. Or just unfollow me. You can do that ya know? TECHNOLOGY!
ps. i hope your vagina starts feeling better.
jake iannarino
He’s right. I DO smoke weed. I DO NOT believe in POLITICIANS of any kind these days, and yes, my comedy IS the lowest form of humor and it makes me a LOT of money. GOD BLESS AMERICA. Thanks for checking in to my blog, folks, and if you are interested in seeing what got ol’ fruity Dave Walters all upset, please feel fee to follow me on twitter @iannarino007 and on youtube at